Does it snow in Mt Kinabalu? (which located near Equator)

Does it snow in Mount Kinabalu? Apparently it does as reported by veteran trekker and mountain guides. However, the local authorities are quite skeptical of the report.

"Ice occurrence, yes, but snow? Not possible,'
said Sabah Meteorological Department Director Abdul Malik Tussin.

As reported in

"A report submitted to Sabah Parks by their head ranger Martin Mogurin indicated that there were signs of snow at the summit area of the 4,101m-high mountain along the Crocker Range around 4am on Jan 7.

Martin said guides at the mountain submitted a report but were unable to back it up with pictures as it was dark. Sabah Parks officials are trying to verify the report.

Sabah Parks Director Paul Basintal said he was gathering information but he has his doubts about the snow.

Sabah meteorologists, however, are firm in dismissing any possibility of snow on Mount Kinabalu as it was too close to the Equator.

"Ice occurrence, yes, but snow? Not possible,' said Sabah Meteorological Department Director Abdul Malik Tussin."

But with this frost photo at Panar Laban, we can be sure that there is frost at Mt Kinabalu. The article also reported that the cold wind are originated from Siberia!

My take is that, yes, it is possible that the temperature at the peak falls below zero Celsius. And I definitely want to believe that it snows...let it snow, let snow, let it snow.